

How many moves away from original hummus do you have to be before something stops being hummus and becomes something else? I think because this retains tahini and chickpeas I can still safely call this hummus without controversy. So I made this last night, I had some of cauliflower in my dinner because you don’t need a lot for this recipe only six or seven small florets.
Equipment wise you will need a blender of sorts- a hand-held one will be fine.

  • Six or seven steamed florets of cauliflower
  • A cup of cooked chickpeas
  • Three cloves of garlic very finely chopped
  • A dessertspoonful of a light miso- I used a rice soya one which is on the sweet side
  • Two dessert spoons of a runny light tahini
  • Two dessert spoons of extra virgin olive oil – and a little more for drizzling on top
  • A quarter teaspoon of ground paprika
  • Black pepper to taste.
  • A lime or if you prefer a lemon
  • You do not need salt as your miso is salty

First steam your cauliflower, should be done in under ten minutes. Run it under cold water to cool and leave to the side.

Get a large bowl if you are going to be using a hand-held blender or just plonk stuff into your blending jug as you go!

Chop your garlic and put in your bowl, if you find garlic hard to digest you could cook it first. Add you olive oil, tahini, miso, paprika and black pepper. Give it a stir and mash, mixing things well together, or give it a quick blitz in your blender.

Now add your cauliflower and chickpeas and stir again. Chop a third off your lime and squeeze the juice in, mix once more ( if you think you would prefer the traditional lemon then use that instead). Now blend! Have a taste, see  if you need more black pepper, lime/lemon or even paprika!! I like it at the level I have suggested.

Transfer the hummus to a bowl and drizzle a little olive oil on top to stop it going dry. I like to cover it and keep it OUT of the fridge over night, reason being the miso will be alive and fermenty if kept at room temperature. It also tastes better the next day!

Hummus the thing that photographs like weird paste!

Hummus the thing that photographs like weird paste!